How to use the Team Selection screen

Once you've logged in as a player and joined a server as a player, you'll be taken to a screen where you can choose which team to join.

The screenshot to the right highlights the main areas of this screen. These numbered areas are described below.

Joining a Team

A list of players (1) currently connected to the server is displayed in the bottom right.

  • By default, you will not be assigned to either team - this is shown by the grey colour of your name.
  • In the picture to the right the player Jensen is in the red team, jimsta is not on any team, while moose is on the blue team.

The top half of the window is split into two areas, (2) and (3), each containing the team's title and three boxes. These boxes represent the three positions on each team. The red team is on the left, while the blue team is on the right. Each team has 1 Captain and 2 Crew slots.

  • Clicking an empty slot on either the red or blue team will place you in that position. Your avatar will we be displayed in the slot you selected.
  • If someone else has claimed a slot (i.e. if the slot contains someone else's icon), you will be unable to claim it, except in one special case - see Disputing Captaincy for details. Likewise, once you have claimed a slot no one else can take it from you, except in the case of a captaincy being disputed.
  • To change position or team, simply click an available empty slot.
  • To leave your slot (and be placed back in the pool of unassigned players) click on the slot you are currently in. Your icon will disappear from the slot.


At the bottom left of the window (4) is a box for chat. The top portion of this area contains all the chat messages that have been posted since you joined the game. The most recent message is displayed at the bottom of the box. The textbox at the bottom of the chat area is where you can enter messages. Once you have typed your message into this box, press the Enter key on your keyboard to send you message.

  • On the Team Selection Screen chat messages are sent to everyone - including players on the other team and spectators.
  • Only players (not spectators) can send chat messages.
  • The chat area may also display status messages as players join and leave the server.

Captain Actions

The current Captain of a team can change their team's name. If you are a captain, the team name will turn into a text box where you can enter a name. This is shown in the screenshot below.

  • Typing in this text box and then clicking anywhere else on the window or pressing the Enter key on your keyboard will change the team. This change will visible to all players and spectators.
  • When changing your team's name a message will also pop up in the chat saying you have done so.

Once all of the positions in a team are claimed a button will appear for the captain in the bottom right of the window, labelled When ready click here.

Screenshot: The button the captain must click in order to lock their team is highlighted in the bottom right corner. In this screenshot, the Red Team is full, so the button is able to be clicked by the team captain.

  • Clicking this button will lock the team so that no players can leave their current position.
  • When a team is locked a chat message will appear for all players and spectators explaining this.
  • When your team is locked you can still use the chat to communicate.

Once both captains have locked their teams, all players will automatically transfer over to the Drafting screen, while all the spectators will be taken to the Drafting screen's spectator view.

Disputing Captaincy

Once a player has claimed a crew slot, no one else will be able to kick them out of that position. However, this is not the case for the captain slots. If a player tries to claim a captain slot that is already taken, they may automatically take it over (with the old captain being shifted to a crew position). This will only happen if the new captain is a considered a more skilled Awesomenauts player than the old captain. Furthermore, if moving the old captain would force them onto the opposition team, the claim will not succeed (i.e. no players will be moved).

The formula used to determine the skill of a player is:

Where WonThisSeason and PlayedThisSeason are the number of online Awesomenauts games a player has won this season and the total number they have played this season, respectively.

If your Steam profile is set to private, then we cannot access your Awesomenauts statistics, so your captain conflict score will be set to 0.

In a future version of NautDrafter, this feature will be able to be turned off when the server is configured.