How to use the Server Browser Screen

How to use the Server Browser Screen

After successfully logging in, you will be taken to the Server Browser screen. This screen displays all the drafting servers that other players are hosting, as well as letting you host your own drafting session.

Screenshot: The Server Browser screen. See below for annotation details.

The server Browser screen is made up of several components. These are labelled on the image above and described below. 

1 The name and icon of the currently logged in player. These are set on your Steam profile.

2 List of servers that are currently online. This is described in further detail below.

3 Server Filter/Search - Entering text in the box labelled Name or Description will instantly filter the list of servers (2) down to just servers whose name or description contain the text you entered.

4 Refresh button - Clicking this will update the list of servers (2) to include any newly created servers, hide servers that are no longer available and update details such as the number of players in each server.

5 Host new game button - Clicking this will take you to the Server Configuration screen. See the How to use the Server Configuration screen article for more information on hosting a drafting server. This button will not be visible if you have logged in as a spectator.

6 The Join buttons will be disabled by default. Clicking a server in the list of servers (2) will enable these buttons, allowing you to join the selected server. If you have logged in as a spectator, only the Join as spectator button will be visible.

7 LAN check-box - When this check-box is ticked only servers on your LAN will be displayed in the list of servers (2).

Choosing a Server

The list of servers (2), located in the middle of the NautDrafter window, displays drafting servers that you can connect to.

Server Details

Every item in the list of servers contains some information to help you find the perfect server to join.

  • The icon on the left shows the Awesomenauts map the game will be played on once drafting is complete. Hover over the icon to see the map's name.
  • The next column contains the name and description for each server.
  • The Players column displays how many players are currently connected to the server, out of a maximum of 6. This does not include spectators.
  • The final column, labelled Locked shows whether or not a server requires a password to join. A grey open lock icon () means the server is can be joined by anyone, while a gold closed lock () means a password is required to join, both as a player and as a spectator.

The filter functionality (3) is a great way to quickly find servers.

The server list can also be sorted and reordered.

  • To sort the list by a column, click the title of the column.
  • There are three possible orderings: not ordered, ascending (▴) and descending (▾). Keep clicking to cycle through theses types.
  • To sort by more than one column, hold your keyboard's shift key and click the columns you wish to sort by.
  • To reorder the columns drag the column headers left or right to your preferred location.

Once you have found a server to join, click on it in the list. It will become highlighted, as shown to the right.

Selecting a server will enable the Join buttons (6), allowing you to join the server.

Joining a Server

Joining as a Player

To join a server as a player and participate in drafting sessions, you must be logged into NautDrafter as a player.

  1. Select a server from the list, as described above. This will enable the Join buttons in the bottom right corner of the window.
  2. Click the Join game button. This will connect you to the server and take you to the Team Selection screen.

Screenshot: The 'Join game' button, which is used to join a drafting server as a player.

If the selected server is locked (as described above in Server Details) you will be prompted to input the password for that server (pictured below). The password is set by the creator of the server.

Joining as a Spectator

Whether you have logged into NautDrafter as a player or spectator, you can join drafting servers as a spectator. Joining as a spectator allows you to watch as the two teams are formed, 'nauts drafted and players assigned, but does not allow participation of any sort.

Even if a server is full, you can still join as a spectator.

  1. Select a server from the list, as described above. This will enable the Join buttons in the bottom right corner of the window.
  2. Click the Join as spectator button. This will connect you to the server and take you to the current stage of the drafting session.

Screenshot: The 'Join as spectator' button, which is used to join a drafting server as a spectator.


If the selected server is locked (as described above in Server Details) you will be prompted to input the password for that server (pictured below). The password is set by the creator of the server.

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