On time out: What should NautDrafter do if a team runs out of bonus time during drafting? Currently forfeit is not implemented so the only option is a random pick when it is a pick phase and skipping the ban when it is a ban phase.
Ban type: You can set whether you want bans to effect both teams (Bi-directional) or only the opposition (One way).
Drafting order: Here you can determine the order of the drafting process that will be used for drafting games/session played on your server.
- 3 picks for the red team
- 3 picks for the blue team
- An equal number of bans for the red and blue teams
- A maximum number of 3 bans for either team
- Red can not have a ban phase after blue have had all their pick phases and vice versa
Direct connect only: This check-box will decide if your server will be listed on the Server Browser screen or can only be connected to using Direct Connect.