This page contains information relating to the development of new devices.
Once you have a device that is connected to your pc, you can run the following program to scan information about the device.
Initial Scan
Go to your latest installation of Keyboarding Master root directory. Copy the code below and past into a terminal.
java -cp .:KeyboardingMaster.jar:lib/input/jinput.jar -Djava.library.path=lib/native com.monkygames.kbmaster.util.ScanHardware >& HardwareScan.log
This will write to a file called HardwareScan.log. The file contains a list of all of your devices including possible inputs. See the code block below.
Controller.getName == Razer Marauder Razer Marauder Name: Razer Marauder Razer Marauder Type: Keyboard === Inputs === Number of Inputs: 163 Name[Escape] Identifier[Escape] Digital Absolute Class[$Identifier$Key] Name[1] Identifier[1] Digital Absolute Class[$Identifier$Key] Name[2] Identifier[2] Digital Absolute Class[$Identifier$Key] Name[3] Identifier[3] Digital Absolute Class[$Identifier$Key] Name[4] Identifier[4] Digital Absolute Class[$Identifier$Key] Name[5] Identifier[5] Digital Absolute Class[$Identifier$Key]
Look for the new device that is being developed. In this example, its the Razer Marauder.
Controller.getName == Razer Marauder Razer Marauder
Copy the name associated with the Controller.getName field as shown above.
Next copy the following line chaning the Razer Marauder Razer Marauder with the name of the device you are scanning for.
java -cp .:KeyboardingMaster.jar:lib/input/jinput.jar -Djava.library.path=lib/native com.monkygames.kbmaster.util.ScanHardware "Razer Marauder Razer Marauder" >& map.txt
At this point, you have all of the information necessary to develop a driver. If you are assistening with the development, please pass on the HardwareScan.log and the map.txt file to the developer.