Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


When possible, refer to JavaFX controls (such as Button, Label, etc.) using their class name (e.g. .button rather than Button to target buttons).


  • Use soft hard indents (spaces) set to 4 spaces per tab/indent leveltabs).
  • One selector per line.
  • Opening brace of declaration blocksĀ go on the same line as the last selector, with a single space before it.
  • Closing brace of declaration blocks should be placed on a new line (and at the same indentation level as the selectors).
  • Declarations should be indented one level (4 spaces)
  • Each declaration gets its own line.
  • There should be a space after theĀ : in a declaration.
  • A single empty line should be placed between rulesets.


Code Block
titleExample CSS
.scroll-bar {
    	-fx-background-color: transparent;
    	-fx-opacity: 0.5;

.scroll-bar .track-background, 
.scroll-bar .track {
    	-fx-background-color: transparent;

.scroll-bar .thumb {
    	-fx-background-radius: 2px;
    	-fx-background-color: -col-primary-trans;

.scroll-bar .increment-button, 
.scroll-bar .decrement-button {
    	-fx-background-color: transparent;
    	-fx-padding: 0;

.scroll-bar:horizontal .increment-arrow, 
.scroll-bar:horizontal .decrement-arrow {
    	-fx-background-color: transparent;
    	/* Overall scrollbar height is set by the button's padding */
    	-fx-padding: 15px 0 0 0;
