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Comment: Minor tidy up

This article explains NautDrafters NautDrafter's screen hierarchy and how screen switching occurs.


The SubScreen interface

In NautDrafter the interface interface SubScreen is all that a class has to implement to be used as a screen.


A useful feature of the Base class is the use of the LockerPane used to disable the UI and display a "spinner". This is done by calling the the startLoadingOverlay() and unlocked by using the the stopLoadingOverlay() method. This is used when communicating with the servers and using the UI could produce errors.


In NautDrafter we are using a Screen stack to hold the current screens in the application. In the above diagram, stack levels are shown by what row the screens are on. For example the Login Screen is the first screen on the stack and when the user logs in, the server browser screen is added onto the stack. For the main three drafting screens, the new screen is not put on the stack but switched with the old screen.


To add a screen onto the screen stack call the static method NautDrafter.setScreen( "new screen", true), and to switch out the screen currently showing call NautDraftercall NautDrafter.setScreen( "new screen", false).  

Implemented Screens

As of Tuesday, September 23 2014, the current screens are 
